Jack Trout pioneered “Positioning”. He wrote the first article on the subject of positioning in 1969. He also wrote three books on the subject, “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” in 1981, “The New Positioning” in 1996 and “Repositioning: Marketing in an Era of Competition, Change and Crisis” in 2010. His concept of Positioning has become the world's #1 business strategy.


Jack Trout is the originator of other important concepts in marketing strategy. He wrote many marketing classics published in many languages: Marketing Warfare, Bottom Up Marketing, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Horse Sense, Differentiate or Die, Big Brands Big Trouble, A Genie's Wisdom, Trout on Strategy, The Power of Simplicity, and In Search of the Obvious.

He had over 40 years of experience in advertising and marketing, and became a boardroom advisor to some of the world's largest corporations and his worldwide consulting work gave him first-hand experience in a wide range of marketing scenarios. Jack Trout gained an international reputation as a consultant, writer, speaker, and proponent of leading-edge marketing strategies.

He is the founder of Trout & Partners. Together with other talented consultants, Mr. Trout created an international network of consultant boutiques which offer preeminent skills and hands-on experience in the implementation of Positioning Strategies. The firm has done work for AT&T, IBM, Southwest Airlines and many other Fortune 500 companies.